A community tool that could bring you face-to-face with friends and family

At this point, everyone knows how to use social media and has made some leap into creating an online community of like-minded people. The thing is, we all share the same interests, faces and thoughts and so one can quickly become bored with the same kind of content or read only what has gone viral. This seemingly endless loop of people linking each other to awful jokes and cat videos results in many of us ending up far off from the connection the first time we try to connect online.

To this end, tools like DubShop, based in Dublin, Ireland, are on the rise. DubShop allows the creation of online communities using automated text, audio and Flash. It does this in a number of ways, including by taking the form of a YouTube video, a chat room, a Facebook post or a photo, offering an alternative to the capitalization of words and adding overstuffed graphics to your content.

As some of these communities build momentum, DubShop hopes that users can translate them into brick-and-mortar locations. What that means is that a DubShop account is already in place and users just need to do their best to link their personal digital identity to a physical place where they can meet and network.

The end product is a less distracting and ultimately more powerful place to connect with people as well as the chance to connect with some of your fellow members, who may just happen to know the person that you need to meet.

Breathing new life into online communities with DubShop

Sarah Bradshaw | Belfast Telegraph


DubShop uses automated technology to give the illusion of a physical presence, allowing the creation of online communities as virtual text, audio or Flash. A DubShop account is already in place, allowing the creation of online communities, so you just need to link your online identity to a physical location that you may already know, which provides networking opportunities.

Recommended for: people who want to get in contact with friends and relatives and just connect.

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